داستان کوتاه شعبده بازی



پشتيباني آنلاين

    پشتيباني آنلاين

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    دانـسـتـنـیـهــــــــا 98
    به سایت من خوش آمدید

لینک دوستان

امکانات جانبی

    آمار وب سایت:  

    بازدید امروز : 629
    بازدید دیروز : 2
    بازدید هفته : 636
    بازدید ماه : 1352
    بازدید کل : 15670
    تعداد مطالب : 385
    تعداد نظرات : 32
    تعداد آنلاین : 1

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    آمار مطالب آمار مطالب
    کل مطالب کل مطالب : 385
    کل نظرات کل نظرات : 32
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    افراد آنلاین افراد آنلاین : 1
    تعداد اعضا تعداد اعضا : 36

    آمار بازدیدآمار بازدید
    بازدید امروز بازدید امروز : 629
    بازدید دیروز بازدید دیروز : 2
    ورودی امروز گوگل ورودی امروز گوگل : 63
    ورودی گوگل دیروز ورودی گوگل دیروز : 0
    آي پي امروز آي پي امروز : 210
    آي پي ديروز آي پي ديروز : 1
    بازدید هفته بازدید هفته : 636
    بازدید ماه بازدید ماه : 1352
    بازدید سال بازدید سال : 9424
    بازدید کلی بازدید کلی : 15670

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تبادل لینک

    تبادل لینک هوشمند
    برای تبادل لینک  ابتدا ما را با عنوان دانستنیها 98 و آدرس danestaniha98.ir لینک نمایید سپس مشخصات لینک خود را در زیر نوشته . در صورت وجود لینک ما در سایت شما لینکتان به طور خودکار در سایت ما قرار میگیرد.


    براي اطلاع از آپيدت شدن سایت در خبرنامه سایت عضو شويد تا جديدترين مطالب به ايميل شما ارسال شود

آخرین نطرات

    reyhane - : P - 1395/1/7/danestaniha
    ویگولی -

    - 1393/4/18/danestaniha
    بهرام - ممممنننون از مطلب - 1393/4/18/danestaniha
    morrrrrrrrrrrr - = DD= DD= DD= DD - 1393/4/16/danestaniha
    محمدامین - اصلا دانلود نمی شه//. - 1393/4/9/danestaniha
    محمدامین - نامصف چرا دانلود نمی شه...<img src="http://loxblog.com/images/smilies/smile%20(30).gif" width="18" height="18"><img src="http://loxblog.com/images/smilies/smile%20(30).gif" width="18" height="18"><img src="http://loxblog.com/images/smilies/smile%20(30).gif" width="18" height="18"><img src="http://loxblog.com/images/smilies/smile%20(30).gif" width="18" height="18"> - 1393/4/9/danestaniha
    محمدامین - نامصف چرا دانلود نمی شه... - 1393/4/9/danestaniha
    ایدا - ببخشید ولی واقعا بد بود اه اه اه اه
    پاسخ: لطفا دلیل رو بگید با تشکر - 1392/12/27/danestaniha
    ایدا - ببخشید ولی واقعا بد بود اه اه اه اه - 1392/12/27/danestaniha
    معظی - خیلی بد بود
    پاسخ: لطفا دلیل را بگید !! - 1392/12/20/danestaniha

داستان کوتاه شعبده بازی

One day the head of a company in the restaurant , located in downtown eats lunch . Lunch middle of next booth heard the familiar sound of four people . Discussion was so severe that he could not stop eavesdropping . He heard every one of executives spoke with pride about his part did

بقیه در ادامه مطلب



تاریخ ارسال پست: دو شنبه 27 آبان 1392 ساعت: 19:39
می پسندم نمی پسندم

داستان کوتاه راز بقا به زبان انگلیسی

African lion sleeps every night knowing that tomorrow must run faster than the slowest little springbok to die of hunger.

Springbok and sleeps every night knowing that tomorrow must run faster than the steepest little African lion to be killed.

No matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle,

It is important to run faster tomorrow than today.

The secret to survival.

تاریخ ارسال پست: دو شنبه 27 آبان 1392 ساعت: 19:32
می پسندم نمی پسندم

داستان کوتاه کشیا توماس به زبان انگلیسی

According to the Daily Mail in 1996, the Cocos large . .  . . "

بقیه در ادامه مطلب

تاریخ ارسال پست: یک شنبه 26 آبان 1392 ساعت: 22:18
می پسندم نمی پسندم

داستان کوتاه اراده پولادین به زبان انگلیسی

It was a small rural school by old coal stove , warmed . Boy was obliged to come to school every day very early and turned on the heater to teachers and classmates before class to warm . One day , when students enter the school grounds , the school saw the flames burning . Their half- unconscious body of his classmates that he was left in Rmqy , and they immediately rushed to the hospital .

With a body burnt and half-dead boy.
. .  !

بقیه در ادامه مطلب


تاریخ ارسال پست: یک شنبه 26 آبان 1392 ساعت: 22:7
می پسندم نمی پسندم

یه روز یه ترک و یه رشتی و یه اصفهانی ...!! انگلیسی

One day, a left and a Rashti and a Esfahani ! !

One day I was leaving ...

Call Sattar Khan , Baqer Khan maybe .

Brave and fearless.

The tyranny of the masses was breathing with the help of other fighters left , stood against dictatorship

He Iranian people wanted freedom

In this way, the environmental challenge and joined the children on the estate , the taste of freedom and democracy, and freedom from tyranny Bchshnd .

One day I was Rashti ...

Mirza Khan was the name of a small , small Mirza Khan forest.

He would have his green northern forests and the blue sea and enjoy the good life and will spend the rest

But he loved the land and the people

And so stood against oppression

So that one day his head was separated from the stress .

One day I was Esfahani ...

His name is Hossein Kharrazi

When the Iraqis invaded his country , took his life away at balls and bullets and mortars .

Was his defense of the land , their honor and their religion .

He fought and fought until the day of the Great War , and his blood spilled on the ground to the sky .

One day I will leave Rashti and Fars and Isfahan , Arab, Lur ... !

Then one of our friends had discovered some secret

Our friendship began to break the lock Sraft

And then " one day ... it was a " joke did to this nation , rather than a family saga of the land who love each other , even their lives , too , have fallen for the " jokes " and " teasers " and " contemptuous " have fun and what a sad story .

تاریخ ارسال پست: شنبه 25 آبان 1392 ساعت: 18:11
می پسندم نمی پسندم

داستان کوتاه ترس انگلیسی

Less fear, more hope
A Whine less, breathe more
Talk less, listen more
Less Hate, More Love

And in this case that all the good things that you would

تاریخ ارسال پست: شنبه 25 آبان 1392 ساعت: 18:9
می پسندم نمی پسندم

داستان کوتاه هزینه آموزش انگلیسی

One of the employees' IP. EBay. Have "a great mistake and a loss would amount to tens of millions of dollars to the company.
The office staff Watson (founder of "IP. EBay. M.") was summoned and after saying, "I think I should resign now." Tom Watson said:
We're kidding right amount of ten million dollars training you have money!

تاریخ ارسال پست: شنبه 25 آبان 1392 ساعت: 18:9
می پسندم نمی پسندم

داستان کوتاه وارستگی انگلیسی

Sheikh Muhammad Taqi B., after 36 years in exile and returned to Iran in response to the fear of death SAVAK said:
Some who have some relatives in Mashhad, Tehran
He does not care to live in Mashhad or Tehran, I'm just the same.

His parents and sister, and some other ones that have been learned and some of the world do not matter to me in this world or the universe.
Wherever I am in the family and relatives ...

تاریخ ارسال پست: شنبه 25 آبان 1392 ساعت: 18:7
می پسندم نمی پسندم

داستان کوتاه انگلیسی

Faqih man asked for me when I washed down the river three times and I'm not sure what choice to make whether or not the water body covered?

  Not read the prayer leader.

He said with surprise: Where you say?

  Leader of the Prophet's (SAW) said: "Necessary crazy until taken out from the craziness."

Anyone who goes into the water three times, and certainly does not have the dip is insane

تاریخ ارسال پست: شنبه 25 آبان 1392 ساعت: 18:7
می پسندم نمی پسندم

زیبا ترین داستان کوتاه انگلیسی

Young man with a knife entered the mosque and said :

Is there anyone among you who is Muslim ?

They all look at each other with fear and surprise at the mosque, there was silence , finally replacing old man with a white beard rose and said :

Yes, I am Muslim .

بقیه در ادامه مطلب

تاریخ ارسال پست: شنبه 25 آبان 1392 ساعت: 18:4
می پسندم نمی پسندم

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